
lazy Sunday thoughts

People both repel intrigue me. You sort of get a unique perspective when you're sick all your life and wind up on the outside looking in on others. 2/3rds of my life, and most of my adult life were spent being sick as a dog with mysterious flu-like symptoms on a daily basis(thankfully, that's all in the past now). So imagine, if you can, having the flu for 20 years...and having to go to school/work/other as if it's the norm. I suppose for me, it was the norm.

I also detest driving. The last thing you want to do when you're suffering from flu-like symptoms is get behind a wheel. Never got used to it, as a result.

Nowadays the only real health problem I have is a compromised immune system, so the winter months are especially a bitch. When I catch a common cold, my body tries fighting it off for a few days, then eventually succumbs for about 2 weeks. It's made me a bit of a germophobe but when you're out of commission for that long you really don't like to get sick.

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