
Webcomics? Hmm

I've decided to get into the webcomics game in a big way. I'm working on several strips right now, and we'll see where each one takes me. I've always been fascinated with the sequential art of Tezuka and Gibbons(& Moore) and that all-powerful line one interprets for oneself.

Admittedly, they might appear a tad unpolished or sketchy, and I'm alright with that. If it becomes a bit of a success I'll give some thought to dealing with my linework and how to ink them, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. We can't all be a Mort Drucker.

Anyway, here's some 8-bit tomfoolery I did a while back on a lazy Sunday:

Oof. I'm not keen on the composition in that 2nd one, now that I see it again. Bit of a rush job.

Speaking of webcomics, you should all check out

Let me also pose this question to fellow artists: what do you feel is most important to get right: hands or head (or other: eyes)?

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